Paige Lynch, MA, LPC, NCC
3115 Hampton Ave
St. Louis, MO 63139

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
What is EMDR?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapy designed to help people relieve their emotional distress from traumatic life events. The basic principle of EMDR is that our brains have the capacity to heal themselves when given the opportunity to do so. Most people who are familiar with EMDR know that it involves bilateral stimulation, which means activating both sides of the brain through simple, gentle movements or other stimulus. Moving your eyes back and forth with the guide of a lightbar, holding a vibrating buzzer in both hands, or hearing tones in alternating ears activates both brain hemispheres and allows you to maintain a dual awareness of the present moment and to consider a painful memory simultaneously. This allows you to process your trauma in a way that encourages all the healthy and adaptive information to link up with the traumatic memory, allowing your brain the chance to use its healing properties for you to feel better about yourself and safer in your world.
What does this look like in practice?
Before we begin talking about your trauma, I will help you create resources that offer a sense of safety and peace. You will learn skills that help you remain grounded in the moment, help you regulate the big emotions you feel when talking about your trauma, and we will ensure you have a strong support system to lean on and a quality self-care routine. These resources provide the foundation that your work will stand upon.
Then we work on history. We will get to know what life events need to be reprocessed and identify the order in which we will tackle each target. There is no one path that works for everyone, so getting to know your trauma triggers helps us identify the path forward.
Processing includes several of the phases. You will identify beliefs, emotions, physical sensations, and the intensity you feel in your nervous system among other information. We then use the bilateral stimulation to help you move through your processing until you no longer feel distress, you fully believe a new positive belief, and your body feels a sense of safety.
We then close out of the processing by discussing how to handle any triggers or emotional content that may arise between sessions.
The next session begins with a check-in on your triggers and any new material that may have surfaced between sessions. We will make sure to process all the past material, current stressors, and future events that will require a different response or set of skills.
Please check out the video below for more information on EMDR.